Dr Sketchy favourite
La Viola Vixen. She was the model last
December, and
July before that.
1 min poses |
2 min poses |
3 min pose |
5 min pose |
5 min pose |
10 min pose |
15 min pose |
Miss Burlesque 2012,
Alyssa Kitt, did this quick pose...
3 min pose, "Miss Alyssa Kitt" |
No faces, again. I was jokingly likened to a serial killer by a fellow Sketchy sketcher, and asked if I keep the drawings of lady's heads in my freezer :-D
I was loving the choice of music this night — a mix of vintage french jazz like Django Reinhardt and Gus Visuer, Edith Piaf, and a lot of film noir-style jazz. I thought someone had raided my iTunes! I like working to this style of music, so I think it helped my drawing!